Applying new strategies -
our experience is your advantage
K-Aqua - Leading in Water Supply
The business field of Kessel Wassertechnologie GmbH is manufacturing pipes and fittings for water supply in several plastic materials which positions the company in the construction value chain as a construction material supplier and manufacturer. With the premium manufacturer KESSEL – Leading in drainage – it exists a close and long partnership. With this experience of decades we will transport our success to the future.
KESSEL - Leading in drainage
The business field of Kessel Wassertechnologie GmbH is manufacturing pipes and fittings for water supply in several plastic materials which positions the company in the construction value chain as a construction material supplier and manufacturer. With the premium manufacturer KESSEL – Leading in drainage – it exists a close and long partnership. With this experience of decades we will transport our success to the future.
Company policy Kessel Wassertechnologie
The goal is to create mutual benefits through the interaction of people and institutions in contact with us. There is no customer benefit without employee benefits, no employee benefits without company benefits and no company benefits without any benefit for our environment and the world around us.
Thus, quality must always be compatible with the aspects of costs and deadlines. This will result in the involvement of all our employees in the process of continuous improvement.

In compliance with legal and social standards, we will recognize, take seriously and implement the wishes of our customers and all other interested parties at all times.
Ecological responsibility is part of our understanding of quality, to which the employees of Kessel Wassertechnologie GmbH are committed.
For this reason, all company activities occur under consideration of resource conservation and environmental compatibility as well as a strict adherence to all commitments. The GENAU-management system is integrated into the House of KWT and for this reason an important element of our philosophy.
The Goal of the GENAU management system is the continuous improvement of the company’s work-, environment- and health protection. This also contains the optimization of energy efficiency. The prevention, continuous threat identification and risk evaluation as well as the implementation of remedial actions in the aspects of environment, energy and work-security are therefore an important components of the GENAU-policy.

The GENAU-policy is directed to all employees and departments of KWT. All employees daily work is equally responsible for the realization of the GENAU-actions. Every employee is obligated to report threats and actively participate in the improvement of the GENAU-management. The practiced GENAU management meets the requirements of DIN EN ISO 14001 and 50001.
We are ISO certified
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
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